How to prepare your kid for competitive tennis matches

Junior tennis player hitting a backhand ball


Tennis is an exciting and challenging sport that requires both physical and mental preparation for success.

As a parent, you may be wondering how to help your child prepare for competitive tennis matches to give them the best chance of performing at their best. Fortunately, there are many strategies and techniques you can use to prepare your child for the rigours of competition, both on and off the court.

In this article, we’ll discuss the key aspects of preparation for competitive tennis matches, including mental, physical, technical, tactical, and emotional preparation, as well as the importance of having proper equipment.

By following these tips and strategies, you can help your child develop the skills and mindset they need to excel in competitive tennis matches.

Mental Preparation

While physical preparation is critical for tennis matches, mental preparation is just as important, if not more so.

Tennis is a mentally challenging sport, and your child needs to be mentally prepared to handle the pressure and stress of competition. Here are some tips on how to mentally prepare your child for tennis matches:

  1. Visualization techniques – Encourage your child to visualize themselves playing tennis and succeeding in competition. Visualization can help them build confidence and mentally prepare for different scenarios they may face during a match.
  2. Positive self-talk – Teach your child to use positive self-talk during matches. Encourage them to focus on their strengths and what they can do, rather than their weaknesses or mistakes.
  3. Breathing exercises – Deep breathing exercises can help your child relax and stay calm during matches. Practice deep breathing exercises with them to help them develop this skill.
  4. Manage pre-match nerves – It’s normal for your child to feel nervous before a match. Teach them coping strategies such as taking deep breaths, focusing on the present moment, and using positive self-talk to manage their nerves.

By focusing on mental preparation, you can help your child develop a strong mindset and mental resilience to handle the ups and downs of competition.

Physical Preparation

Physical preparation is crucial for tennis matches. Tennis is a physically demanding sport that requires speed, agility, and endurance. Here are some tips on how to physically prepare your child for tennis matches:

  1. Proper nutrition and hydration – Make sure your child eats a healthy, balanced diet and drinks plenty of water. Proper nutrition and hydration can help your child maintain their energy levels and prevent fatigue during matches.
  2. Warm-up exercises – Encourage your child to warm up before matches to prevent injury and prepare their body for the demands of the game. Warm-up exercises can include jogging, stretching, and practicing strokes and shots.
  3. Cool-down exercises – After matches, encourage your child to cool down and stretch to prevent muscle soreness and injury.
  4. Importance of rest and recovery – Encourage your child to get plenty of rest and allow their body time to recover between matches. Proper rest and recovery can help prevent injuries and improve performance.
  5. Preventing injuries – Teach your child to prevent injuries by using proper technique, warming up before matches, and wearing appropriate footwear and protective gear.
  6. Dealing with injuries – If your child does experience an injury, make sure they get the proper medical attention and take the necessary time to heal and recover before returning to competition.

By focusing on physical preparation, you can help your child stay healthy and injury-free, improving their chances of success on the court.

Technical and Tactical Preparation

Technical and tactical preparation are also essential for tennis matches. Your child needs to have the skills and knowledge to perform different shots and strategies during matches. Here are some tips on how to prepare your child technically and tactically for tennis matches:

  1. Work on different strokes and shots – Encourage your child to practice different strokes and shots such as forehand, backhand, volleys, and serves. Ensure that they are using proper technique to prevent injury and improve performance.
  2. Practice with different opponents – Encourage your child to practice with different opponents to learn different playing styles and strategies.
  3. Focus on footwork – Good footwork is crucial in tennis. Encourage your child to practice footwork drills to improve their speed, agility, and coordination on the court.
  4. Develop a game plan – Work with your child to develop a game plan for different opponents and situations they may encounter during matches. Help them identify their opponent’s weaknesses and develop strategies to exploit them.
  5. Analyze matches – Encourage your child to analyze their matches to identify areas where they need to improve and develop strategies for future matches.

By focusing on technical and tactical preparation, you can help your child develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in competitive tennis matches.

Emotional Preparation

Emotional preparation is another critical aspect of preparing your child for tennis matches. Tennis is a highly emotional sport, and your child needs to learn how to manage their emotions to perform their best. Here are some tips on how to emotionally prepare your child for tennis matches:

  1. Encourage a positive attitude – Teach your child to approach matches with a positive attitude and focus on the process rather than the outcome.
  2. Manage frustration and disappointment – Help your child learn how to manage frustration and disappointment when things don’t go as planned during matches. Encourage them to stay calm, maintain their composure, and focus on the next point.
  3. Develop resilience – Teach your child to bounce back from setbacks and maintain their motivation and enthusiasm for the sport.
  4. Celebrate successes – Celebrate your child’s successes, no matter how small, to help build their confidence and motivation for future matches.

By focusing on emotional preparation, you can help your child develop the resilience and emotional control they need to succeed in competitive tennis matches.

Mental Preparation

Mental preparation is also a crucial aspect of preparing your child for tennis matches. Tennis is a mental game, and your child needs to develop mental toughness to perform their best. Here are some tips on how to mentally prepare your child for tennis matches:

  1. Set realistic goals – Help your child set realistic goals for matches and work with them to develop a plan to achieve those goals.
  2. Visualize success – Encourage your child to visualize themselves succeeding in matches. Visualization can help build confidence and reduce anxiety.
  3. Develop a pre-match routine – Help your child develop a pre-match routine to help them focus and prepare mentally for matches.
  4. Stay focused – Teach your child to stay focused during matches and avoid getting distracted by external factors such as the crowd or opponent’s behavior.
  5. Develop a positive mindset – Encourage your child to develop a positive mindset and focus on what they can control during matches, rather than worrying about external factors.

By focusing on mental preparation, you can help your child develop the mental toughness and focus they need to succeed in competitive tennis matches.

Physical Preparation

Physical preparation is an essential aspect of preparing your child for tennis matches. Tennis is a physically demanding sport, and your child needs to be physically fit to perform their best. Here are some tips on how to physically prepare your child for tennis matches:

  1. Develop cardiovascular endurance – Tennis requires a high level of cardiovascular endurance. Encourage your child to engage in cardiovascular activities such as running, cycling, or swimming to improve their endurance.
  2. Build strength – Tennis also requires strength, especially in the upper body and core. Encourage your child to engage in strength-building exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups, and planks.
  3. Improve flexibility – Flexibility is crucial in tennis. Encourage your child to stretch regularly to improve their flexibility and prevent injuries.
  4. Focus on footwork – Good footwork is crucial in tennis. Encourage your child to engage in footwork drills to improve their speed, agility, and coordination on the court.
  5. Rest and recover – Tennis matches can be physically demanding. Ensure that your child gets adequate rest and recovery time between matches to prevent injury and fatigue.

By focusing on physical preparation, you can help your child develop the physical fitness they need to perform their best in competitive tennis matches.


In conclusion, preparing your child for competitive tennis matches requires a holistic approach that encompasses technical, tactical, emotional, mental, and physical aspects. By focusing on each of these aspects, you can help your child develop the skills, knowledge, and mindset they need to succeed in competitive tennis matches.

Encourage your child to practice different strokes and shots, play with different opponents, focus on footwork, develop a game plan, and analyze matches to improve technically and tactically. Teach your child to manage their emotions, develop resilience, and maintain a positive mindset to perform their best emotionally. Help your child set realistic goals, visualize success, develop a pre-match routine, stay focused, and maintain a positive mindset to perform their best mentally. And finally, focus on cardiovascular endurance, strength, flexibility, footwork, and rest to develop physical fitness.

By implementing these tips and strategies, you can help your child prepare for competitive tennis matches and develop a love for the sport that will last a lifetime. Remember, while winning is important, the most important thing is that your child enjoys the sport, learns from each match, and continues to improve over time.

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